Ole-Einar Bjørndalen
20-time world champion in biathlon

InstaForex is the number one broker in Europe

Universal trading tools for money management in the Forex market

Ales Loprais
The annual participant of the legendary rally-marathon "Dakar"
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InstaForex bonus system

The company allows each client to get a lot of bonuses to trade in the foreign exchange market

Welcome 30%

Bonus for every account replenishment. The maximum bonus amount of 30% is unlimited, credited to each deposit, regardless of the profitability or lossability of previous trading operations. It gives an opportunity to increase the volume of concluded deals, can be invested in PAMM-accounts.

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Start bonus bonus of $ 1500

An excellent opportunity to start trading with an incredible start bonus without your own investment and the need to undergo a verification procedure.
The offer is available for new customers of InstaForex and traders who have not replenished their trading account within the last 6 months.

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Bonus 55%

Bonus for every refill of your account. The maximum bonus amount of 55% is unlimited, credited to each deposit, regardless of the profitability or lossability of previous trading operations. It gives an opportunity to trade on Forex in large volumes.

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InstaForex - The best broker in Europe

Trading conditions InstaForex is a universal money management tools in the Forex / Forex market. The main activity of the international Forex broker InstaForex is the provision of high-quality investment services aimed at speculating the profit from trading in international financial markets.

Customers of InstaForex use advanced online trading technologies.

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The demo account is educational, its deposit is a virtual means, and it allows the trader to practice in trade and earn professional skills without risking real money.

Analytics InstaForex

Daily market reviews, trade plan, video analytics, hot forecasts from leading experts of foreign exchange markets

Trading Tools

The best tools for a successful online Forex trading

Best services of InstaForex

A unique opportunity to use the latest developments of Forex trading

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Подписчиков и инвесторов:
Score Balance Growth Total profit
Trader Avatar
Trader Avatar
Trader Profit Chart
Trader Profit Chart
$ 14628.72 + 229.03% $ 14359.09 Investment Копирование Copying
Trader Avatar
Trader Avatar
Trader Profit Chart
Trader Profit Chart
$ 2,880.86 + 216.49% $ 2,680.86 Investment Копирование Copying
Trader Avatar
Trader Avatar
No-stress Strategy
Trader Profit Chart
No-stress Strategy
Trader Profit Chart
$ 41687.4 + 135.78% $ 29597.4 Investment Копирование Copying
Trader Avatar
Trader Avatar
Constantly Profit
Trader Profit Chart
Constantly Profit
Trader Profit Chart
$ 6038.29 + 165.97% $ 2673.02 Investment Копирование Copying
Trader Avatar
Trader Avatar
Trader Profit Chart
Trader Profit Chart
$ 36,849.43 + 110.52% $ 24289.43 Investment Копирование Copying
Trader Avatar
Trader Profit Chart
Баланс: $14628.72
Прирост: +229.03%
Общая прибыль: $14359.09
Trader Avatar
Trader Profit Chart
Баланс: $2880.86
Прирост: +216.49%
Общая прибыль: $2680.86
Trader Avatar
No-stress Strategy
Trader Profit Chart
Баланс: $41687.4
Прирост: +135.78%
Общая прибыль: $29597.4
Trader Avatar
Constantly Profit
Trader Profit Chart
Баланс: $6038.29
Прирост: +165.97%
Общая прибыль: $2673.02
Trader Avatar
Trader Profit Chart
Баланс: $36849.43
Прирост: +110.52%
Общая прибыль: $24289.43
The profitability of past periods can not guarantee a profit in the future.

Informational support InstaForex

Analytical materials - an indispensable tool for effective trading in the Forex market

Instaforex TV

Topical news, analytical video reviews, interviews and reports

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География ИнстаФорекс

Contests InstaForex

A unique opportunity to use the latest developments of Forex trading

All Competitions
Account number Nick Date of registration Status
MarinaR 12/02/18
rosmahwati 10/02/18
SLOWDOGG 10/02/18
DenzelFire17 10/02/18
Insaider19881 09/02/18
robby 09/02/18
rblegasi_85 09/02/18
GynCliff 07/02/18
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Customer Testimonials

The indicator of success of InstaForex is its client base, consisting of more than 7 000 000 traders in 80 countries of the world

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Steven Krejci,  South Africa. Engineer

In my opinion, the broker-company and its well-coordinated team know their business. I like the service. Very educated and attentive staff who are ready to help at any time of the day or night. On the Internet or on the phone - you will always listen carefully, everything will be explained on your fingers and everything will be sorted out. And you can also order a free call to your phone, and at the appointed time the operator will call you back, understand and help to eliminate any difficulty. I believe that InstaForex offers very good conditions for trade. Good design of the site. Everything is easy and affordable. So I like working with InstaForex.

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Steven Krejci, ЮАР. Инженер

На мой взгляд, брокер-компания и ее слаженная команда знают свое дело. Мне нравится обслуживание. Очень воспитанный и внимательный персонал, который готов прийти на помощь в любое время дня и ночи. По интернету или по телефону - вас всегда внимательно выслушают, все разъяснят на пальцах и со всем разберутся. А еще можно заказать бесплатный звонок на свой телефон, и в назначенное время оператор сам перезвонит, вникнет и поможет устранить любую трудность. Я считаю, что ИнстаФорекс предлагает очень хорошие условия для торговли. Хорошее оформление сайта. Все легко и доступно. Поэтому мне нравится работать с компанией ИнстаФорекс.

Charts of currency pairs

A tool of a modern trader, thanks to which technical analysis becomes even more accessible
(Click on the graph to go to the detail view page)

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